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Unit 60-Motion Poster

I certify that work contained in this assessment was researched and prepared by me.

Learner Signature: Dylan Enstone


LO1 Analyse a client brief to define an

animation strategy for a given media



For the first brief I had to make a motion poster.

My knowledge in Photoshop will really help out in this assignment for creating assets and bringing apart images.

The skills i need to reaserch and learn will be to do with the After Effects side of the project. To learn this i am going to do some side work with youtube tutorials in order to grasp how to use the toolset provided in After Effects.

For reference the video tutorial i will be using to learn will be:

And so to start the project i am going to be making a motion poster out of a gameplay picture from a game that i personally enjoy known as 7Days To Die.

Here is the starting image.

To begin I pulled apart the image to create different layers in order to create foreground, background and everything in between.


Mid Grounds.


You'll notice how rough around the egdes the layers are, at this stage that is fine as it will not be noticed at the end.

Then I preceeded to take those images into After Effects and made them 3D Objects to give depth to the scene.



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